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Want To Invest But Don't Know Where To Start?

"New FREE BOOK Uncovers The Truth On How To Become Financially Independent 

That Schools, Banks, And Financial Advisors Have Been Hiding From You..."

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As the founders of Empower Lifestyle Group, we were able to look behind the scenes of  

hundreds of Canadian’s financial situations...

here’s what we’ve found… (new discovery)

The Single Biggest Secret To Increasing Your Savings And Growing Your Wealth

...without even having to Increase Your Income!

From: Matthew Cheema
Vancouver, Canada

There is a big difference between working hard for your money…

And having your money work hard for you (wouldn’t you agree?)

As the co-founder and CEO of Empower Lifestyle Group, I have a rare opportunity to see behind the scenes of hundreds (nearly thousands) of people’s financial situations, to see what’s working, and what’s not working.

Recently, we did an consensus of hundreds of our clients from all across Canada…

Trying to find a pattern of what made some successful, while others not as much.

As you can imagine, this was NOT an easy process.

We made countless connections, but a lot of them ended up leading us to big “dead ends...”

But then we found it…

As We Kept Analyzing, Researching, and Discussing,

a set of patterns emerged…

And the results were shocking! What we found (believe it or not) had almost NOTHING to do with:

    Your educational background...

    Your job or career...

    The amount of money you make...

    Or even your relationship status!

    Your educational background…

    Your job or career…

    The amount of money you make…

    Or even your relationship status!

But instead, it had everything to do with:

    Your relationship with money and                how you perceive it

    Understanding the flow of money and            how money works

    How you use money to create                        opportunities for yourself

    Your relationship with money and how you perceive it

    Understanding the flow of money and how money works

    How you use money to create opportunities for yourself

They had changed the way they saw, felt, and behaved with money…

And as a result they were able to transform their financial futures and create more abundance in their lives…

Many people are starting to realize that the cookie-cutter methods that banks and financial advisors tell us don't work anymore!...

Have you ever heard of advice like “the best way to build and maintain wealth is to diversify so your money is safe” or “just keep your money in your savings account or a low risk mutual fund to avoid any risk?”...

Those belief systems we've been indoctrinated into actually run more risk for your money than becoming competent and knowing what decisions are good for your own financial destiny…

“But Matt… I never took finance in school… How am I supposed to know better than the banks on what to do with my money?”

For those of you thinking that, I want you let you in on a little secret...

The banks' #1 priority is to make them money... not you!... (mic drop)

Truth bombs hurt sometimes, I know! But don't worry I have good news for you...

I want you to remember that money, just like any other idea or concept, is something that can be learned and mastered.

It should not hold any power over us, because the more power we give to money, the more we become slaves to it…

You are supposed to be the master of your money. 

Just like you are the master of your health, relationships, happiness, career, and everything else that is a part of your identity!

Think about the wealthy people that you aspire to be like in life... All of them have mastered the money game which has given them the freedom in life to:

    Choose where they work and when they work
    Buy real estate
    Enjoy a better quality of life
    Take care of their partner and loved ones
    Give to their noble charities and causes
    And the freedom to experience more to life than they                        already knew…

      Choose where they work and when              they work


      Buy real estate

      Enjoy a better quality of life

      Take care of their partner and loved             ones

      Give to their noble charities and                        causes

      And the freedom to experience more            to life than they already knew...

But do you think they followed the conventional advice about what to do with money?...

Absolutely NOT! They sought after the truth about money and leveraged it so they could live life on their own terms. 

After making this discovery, me and my team spent the next 12 months putting together everything we learned and studied everything we could about the new world of money and the rules to follow...  

…And eventually we made this book! The $h*t They Didn't Teach You About Money

This is the playbook. While some people go as far to call it the bible... For learning what only the wealthy people know about money in the modern age, and how to apply these strategies into your life! 

The wealthiest people on the planet are using this knowledge to create lives of wealth and freedom.

…And this year, we plan on helping 6,000 people Empower their personal economies and do just that!

         The $h*T They Didn't Teach
                 You About Money:

The hidden secrets of the wealthy...

     That banks, schools, and family 
                never taught you...

The $h*t They Didn't Teach You About Money:

The Hidden Secrets Of The Wealthy
That Banks, Schools, And Family Never Taught You...
These secrets taught in this book have been used to create long-term wealth and prosperity for people who:
   Are at the beginning of         their financial journey
   Are already saving and         investing
   Are struggling with               poor money habits
   Have little to no                       knowledge about                   money
   Have a good money               situation, but want to           make it great
   Make a lot of money               but don’t know how to         use it

      Are at the beginning of their                         financial journey

      Are already saving and investing

      Are struggling with poor money                   habits

      Have little to no knowledge about               money

      Have a good money situation, but                 want to make it great

      Make a lot of money but don't know           how to use it

If you relate to any of these categories and want to increase your savings without having to change careers, you need these secrets right now!

Send me your address...

I'd like to rush a FREE copy of my brand new book 
to your doorstep, ASAP!

Like I mentioned before, this book is free. I'll pay for the book and all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it anywhere in the world! If you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, I also have it for sale for a small fee once you put your details in below...

When you get this best selling book for FREE… Here are a few of the secrets you'll discover…

Inside of The $h*t They Didn't Teach You About Money I will be sharing with you over 25 secrets to help you create a life of wealth and financial freedom. 

Here's a sneak peak at what you'll discover inside of your free copy of this new book:  

Section #1: Your relationship with money

    Secret #1: how to reframe your belief            system and feelings about money so            you can move from lack into                            abundant relationship with it
    Secret #2: understand the true nature          of money and the purpose it serves in            your life
    Secret #3: How to plant your tree of              wealth (they say money doesn't grow            on trees... well, they are WRONG...)
    Secret #4: the process of generating              wealth within you so you can create              wealth all around you
   Secret #1: How to reframe your belief system and feelings                 about money so you can move from lack into an abundant               relationship with it
   Secret #2: Understand the true nature of money and the                   purpose it serves in your life
   Secret #3: How to plant your tree of wealth (they say money             doesn’t grow on trees... Well, they are WRONG…)
   Secret #4: The process of generating wealth within you so you         can create wealth all around you

Section #2: how money is made

    Secret #5: the difference between                  your personal economy vs the global              economy, and how to ensure that                  your personal economy will thrive no            matter the state of the world.
    Secret #6: our secret money exercise              that will help you reprogram your                  mind for wealth, draw more money to            you, and create a new version of you            that is financially affluent
    Secret #7: learn the differences of                  what you can control and what you              can't control about money so you can            better narrow your focus and create              better, long-lasting results in your life
   Secret #5: The difference between your personal economy vs             the global economy, and how to ensure that your personal                 economy will thrive no matter the state of the world.
   Secret #6: Our secret money exercise that will help you                       reprogram your mind for wealth, draw more money to you,                 and create a new version of you that is financially affluent
   Secret #7: Learn the differences of what you can control and           what you can’t control about money so you can narrow your             focus and create better, long-lasting results in your life 

Section #3: How do you use money?

    Secret #8: learn the most powerful                concept called leverage, and how to            apply it in your life to create more                  time and financial freedom
    Secret #9: Understand why your time            value proposition, highest paid activity,          and the process of elimination all play          an important role in creating wealth            and freedom
   Secret #8: Learn the most powerful concept called leverage,               and how to apply it in your life to create more time and                     financial freedom
   Secret #9: Understand why your time value proposition,                       highest paid activity, and the process of elimination all play an         important role in creating wealth and freedom 

Section #4: Structuring finances

    Secret #10: What account to open in              order to manage your bank account              effectively, so you can move past the              "paying your bills" stage of your life
    Secret #11: How wealthy people                         "budget" and use micromanaging to             expand their entire financial pictures
    Secret #12: Tips and tricks to hack                  your brain and bank account that will          lead to increased savings while still                maintaining your spending!
   Secret #10: What accounts to open in order to manage your               bank account effectively, so you can move past the “paying                 bills” stage of your life
   Secret #11: How wealthy people “budget” and use                                   micromanaging to expand their entire financial pictures
   Secret #12: Tips And Tricks To Hack Your Brain And Bank                         Account That Will Lead To Increased Savings While Still                           Maintaining Your Spending!

Section #5: Credit and how it works

   Secret #13: Understanding credit scores and how to use credit         and financing to your advantage 
   Secret #14: Learn the difference between soft hits and hard               hits and what decisions affect your credit so you can avoid               Making mistakes that will negatively impact your score. (And             the secrets of the credit bureaus and how they calculate your         score.)
   Secret #15: The different types of credit, how they report, and         find out the perfect blend in your credit portfolio to maximize           your potential for large amounts of lending
   Secret #16: How lenders determine what interest rates to                   grant you and what they look for on your credit bureau                     report 
    Secret #13: understanding credit                      scores and how to use credit and                  financing to your advantage
    Secret #14: learn the difference                      between soft hits and hard hits and              what decisions affect your credit so              you can avoid making mistakes that                will negatively impact your score. (and          the secrets of the credit bureaus and            how they calculate your score.)
    Secret #15: The different types of                    credit, how they report, and find out            the perfect blend in your credit                        portfolio to maximize your potential for          large amounts of lending
    Secret #16: how lenders determine                what interest rates to grant you and              what they look for on your credit                  bureau report

Section #6: The biggest money mistakes

   Secret #17: the 8 killer mistakes that wealthy people learned             early on and how to avoid them 
   Secret #18: How to use the power of intention and attention to         master the money game and have rule over it
   Secret #19: Learn who to take advice from when it comes to           money and who to not listen to!
    Secret #17: The 8 killer mistakes that              wealthy people learned early on and            how to avoid them
    Secret #18: how to use the power of              intention and attention to master the            money game and have rule over it
    Secret #19: learn who to take advice            from when it comes to money and                who not to listen to!

Section #7: Millionaire money habits

   Secret #20: Just like there’s a rulebook on faith, there’s a                 rulebook on money! Follow these money commandments and         you are promised a prosperous life
   Secret #21: Find out what it takes to become a millionaire and         how becoming “money conscious” can propel you on a direct           trajectory to your goals and dreams
   Secret #22: How to ensure that you are always being filled                 with the right ideas and opportunities with money, and even           the other areas of your life
    Secret #20: just like there's a                            rulebook on faith, there's a rulebook            on money! follow these money                        commandments and you are                            promised a prosperous life
    Secret #21: find out what it takes to              become a millionaire and how                          becoming "money conscious" can                    propel you on a direct trajectory to                your goals and dreams
    Secret #22: how to ensure that you                are always being filled with the right          ideas and opportunities with money,              and even the other areas of your life

Section #8: Biggest money opportunities

    Secret #23: the most powerful                          investment you can ever make at any            time which will yield you an infinite              amount of potential returns (only                  wealthy people understand the true              power behind this)
    Secret #24: learn the concept of the            financial home and how to build                    yours from the ground up to create              long-term wealth and sustainability 
    Secret #25: what is infinite cash flow            banking and how the wealthy are                  using it to create generational, tax-                free wealth
    Secret #26: cryptocurrency as                          speculation or powerful long-term                investment?
    Secret #27: understand the benefits              of all the different investment vehicles          out there... here you'll learn the                      comparison between TFSAs, RRSPs,                RESPs, Life insurance, RRIFs, RDSPs,                and more...
   Secret #23: the most powerful investment you can ever make             at any time which will yield you an INFINITE amount of                     potential returns (only wealthy understand the true                     power behind this)
   Secret #24: Learn the concept of the financial home and how         to build yours from the ground up to create long-term                       wealth and sustainability
   Secret #25: What is infinite cash flow banking and how the               wealthy are using it to create generational, tax-free wealth
   Secret #26: Cryptocurrency as speculation or powerful long-             term investment?
   Secret #27: understand the benefits of all the different investment vehicles out there... here you'll learn the comparison between TFSAs, RRSPs, RESPs, Life insurance, RRIFs, RDSPs, and more...

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book to your doorstep, ASAP!
Like I mentioned before, this book is free. I'll pay for the book and all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it anywhere in the world! If you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, I also have it for sale for a small fee once you put your details in below...

What are others already saying about 'The $h*t They Didn’t Teach You About Money?'

"This book helped me find out my purpose with money." - Amir Samani
"I was making a lot of money from my photography business, but I didn't know how to manage it so I could expand..." - Alejandra Carreno
"I wish I knew these secrets 20 years ago when I started my business..." - Angella Berthelette

As you can see…

'The $h*t They Didn’t Teach You About Money' has already helped countless people around North America…

The question is, are YOU next?

Send me your address...

I'd like to rush a FREE copy of my brand new book 
to your doorstep, ASAP!

Like I mentioned before, this book is free. I'll pay for the book and all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it anywhere in the world! If you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, I also have it for sale for a small fee once you put your details in below...
Claim Your FREE Book Now and

Get This FREE Bonus!

Bonus - Credit Mastery Course

Bonus - Credit Mastery Course

"Learn the secrets, build a bulletproof portfolio, get lending power from the banks like wealth people do..."

Total Value: $199.99

In this 3-part mini series on credit mastery, you will learn exactly what you need to know about credit so you can build a good reputation with the banks and qualify for that mortgage and house you've always wanted

We will dive deep into everything credit related, starting with the basics: what it is, how to build it, what accounts and banks to open, when to apply for loans, and more, so you can Empower your own economy and be in charge of your financial destiny!

Get this for FREE when you order your copy of The $h*t They Didn't Teach You About Money today!

"Learn The secrets, build a bulletproof portfolio, get lending power from the banks like wealth people do..."

Total Value: $199.99

In this 3-part mini series on credit mastery, you will learn exactly what you need to know about credit so you can build a good reputation with the banks and qualify for that mortgage and house you've always wanted

We will dive deep into everything credit related, starting with the basics: what it is, how to build it, what accounts and banks to open, when to apply for loans, and more, so you can Empower your own economy and be in charge of your financial destiny!

Get this for FREE when you order your copy of The $h*t They Didn't Teach You About Money today!

Like I mentioned before, this book is free. All I ask is that you help me cover the printing and postage costs of $9.99 Canadian, and $19.99 International, anywhere in the world!

By the way in case you’re wondering...

There Is NO CATCH!

I’ve seen websites out there that offer a cool product for free, but then enroll you on some hidden continuity program that charges your credit card every month (I’ve been a victim of that).
This isn’t one of them. 
There’s NO extra charges or hidden continuity program.
And in case you’re wondering why we’re doing this, well, there’s a few reasons actually…
   It’s my way of passing forward the invaluable lessons I’ve             been taught by mentors and ultra-wealthy people through         being in the financial industry for 5+ years.
   Unlike these other online “gurus,” I don’t make don’t make         most of my money by selling information products online           (I actually run real businesses selling financial services,                 building sales teams, digital marketing, and more)... so I               don’t mind sharing what I really know and giving you my             best without hiding things. 
   If I get one of my products in your hands and it changes               your life the way I say it can, you should be excited to buy             other stuff with me in the future. 
   I pride myself on living a transparent life and bringing                   ethics and values into my business… I’m tired of seeing all           these gimmicks and “get rich quick” schemes out there               that only end up confusing people and leaving them back         where they started… So I’m excited to share some actual             TRUTH and make a difference for humanity. I feel so                     fulfilled seeing people make meaningful changes and                 progress in their lives, and when you become one of them,         be sure to reach out and let me know :)  
    It's my way of passing forward the                    invaluable lessons I've been taught by              mentors and ultra-wealthy people                    through being in the financial industry            for 5+ years. 
    Unlike these other online "gurus," I                    don't make most of my money by                      selling information products online (I              actually run real businesses selling                    financial services, building sales teams,          digital marketing, and more)... so I don't          mind sharing what I really know and                giving you my best without hiding                    things.
    If I get one of my products in your                      hands and it changes your life the way I          say it can, you should be excited to buy            other stuff from me in the future. 
    I pride myself on living a transparent life          and bringing ethics and values into my          business... I'm tired of seeing all these              gimmicks and "get rich quick" schemes          out there that only end up confusing              people and leaving them back where              they started... So I'm excited to share                some actual TRUTH and make a                        difference for humanity. I feel so                        fulfilled seeing people make                                meaningful changes and progress in                their lives, and when you become one            of them, be sure to reach out and let                me know :)

Time is running out…

Here’s why…
We’ve only printed a few thousand copies of this edition, and when they’re gone… you know, they’re gone!
If the page is still here it means the offer is live. But at any time I can shut this page down once we’re all out.

Here is my “you’ve got to be insane” guarantee

I 100% guarantee that you’ll love this book, or I’ll return your $9.99 shipping and let you keep the book anyway.

You heard me right. You don’t even have to send it back (it’s honestly such a hassle to send things back haha). Just email me or call the number on the receipt and I’ll give your money back with no questions asked.

Sound fair?

Let Me Show You Everything You Get When You Order The $H*T They Didn't Teach You About Money Today!

Let me show you everything you get when you order The $h*t They Didn't Teach You About Money today!

  • Physical Copy Of The $h*t They Didn't Teach You About Money
  • Credit Mastery Course

($24.99 Value)

($199.99 Value)

  Physical Copy Of The $h*t They Didn't Teach You About Money

($24.99 Value)

  Credit Mastery Course

($199.99 Value)

Total Value: $224.98

get your copy today for


Just Cover Shipping On The Book


Just cover shipping on the book

Let Me Show You Everything You Get When You Order The $H*T They Didn't Teach You About Money Today!

  Physical Copy Of The $h*t They Didn't Teach You About Money

($24.99 Value)

  Credit Mastery Course

($199.99 Value)

Total Value: $224.98

get your copy today for


Just Cover Shipping On The Book


Just cover shipping on the book

This is truly a limited offer, so claim your FREE copy now before they’re all gone…

I appreciate and thank you for reading my letter and hope you let this book transform you in every possible way!

Matthew Cheema

P.S. If you’re like me and just skip to the bottom of the page, here’s the deal:

I’ll be mailing you a 90 page perfect bound book, “The $h*t They Didn’t Teach You About Money - The secrets only the wealthy know that schools, banks, and financial advisors never taught you” (that retails for $24.99) for FREE. Yep, this book is free, and all you pay is the shipping and handling costs of $9.99 in Canada and $19.99 internationally and I’ll mail your free book.

There’s no tricks here… no gimmicks… you will not be enrolled into some monthly trial B.S like you see elsewhere online or anything like that.

And in fact, I’ll refund your shipping costs if you don’t like the book and you don’t even have to send it back.

So, Click the button below to get your FREE copy now. You won’t regret it.

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I'd like to rush a FREE copy of my brand new book 
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